[whispersystems] Disappearing messages - one size fits all?
2017-12-13 03:09:51 UTC
Friendly humans,

I find it rather unintuitive that the "Disappearing messages"-toggle changes the mode of operation for both parties. See I have the following situation in mind:

You have a low risk environment. That means some messages need to be forgotten on both sides (https://signal.org/blog/disappearing-messages/).

Imagine now a regular chat situation like it happens every day. Most of the messages are personally important but from a security perspective of benign content. Imagine a 1-on-1 chat with high message frequency.
Now ask yourself how you would handle a singular message of above-threshold risk. How would you mark that message as to-be-erased without risking marking incoming "benign" messages too?

Looking forward to reading your ideas!

All the best,
Mat a
2017-12-14 13:47:06 UTC
Mourning, afternoon, evening,

This is a problem that i come across often, setting the whole chat to
disappear seems sometime counter intuitive but i can't imagine another
way with out with out having a disappearing and a standard thread for
everyone which could be odd.

A thing that makes me worried is the disappearing message status changed
message never disappears so  an adversary who got access to one phone
potentially years later could use that as proof of /some/ suspicious
activity and if its a contact you message often about benign stuff could
get the timing down from looking at other messages. I'm considering
opening an issue. Would be interested to hear ideas ?

My alternative behaviour would be after double the time the disappearing
message was set to the status would disappear too, so if I set
disappearing messages to 5mins, 10 mins afters the status was changed
the status message would disappear. so the status change message is not


Post by m***@perguth.de
Friendly humans,
You have a low risk environment. That means some messages need to be forgotten on both sides (https://signal.org/blog/disappearing-messages/).
Imagine now a regular chat situation like it happens every day. Most of the messages are personally important but from a security perspective of benign content. Imagine a 1-on-1 chat with high message frequency.
Now ask yourself how you would handle a singular message of above-threshold risk. How would you mark that message as to-be-erased without risking marking incoming "benign" messages too?
Looking forward to reading your ideas!
All the best,
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