[whispersystems] Quick thought regarding contact discovery: DHT?
Max Spliethöver
2016-01-15 18:52:06 UTC
Sounds much like a dezentralisiere p2p network (or as Wikipedia puts
it, an unstructured
p2p network
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer-to-peer#Unstructured_networks>). It’s
seems to be extremely hard to implement/generate such a network and it only
works as long as you have enough users/nodes in this network. Im not sure
that this is working for this purpose because it would also take *a lot*
more data traffic which seems wrong for a (more or less *basic*) messaging
client, especially on mobile networks


On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 2:29 AM, TiagoTiago <
Looks like the mailing list might've stripped the link, I was referring to
this post: https://whispersystems.org/blog/contact-discovery/
On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 12:17 AM, TiagoTiago <
This blog post <https://whispersystems.org/blog/contact-discovery/>
asked for suggestions; I read it some days ago, and today I got a little
Would it work to have something like a Distributed Hash Table, where the
database itself is spread across many devices (preferably with some
redundancy to account for people going offline or even deleting their
accounts; and perhaps provide a consensus to filter out bogus entries), and
they talk with each other to find the piece of data they're looking for,
and then when looking for something, the client would generate many
possible hashes, and then throw the requests out into the network so which
thing they're looking for can't be distinguished from the extra queries
(and possibly occasionally throw several queries all for stuff the client
isn't interest in, indistinguishable from actual queries, to further cloak
actual queries)?
I don't really know much about anything involved though, so I apologize
if this is a dumb idea.
Mit freundlichen GrÌßen

*Maximilian Spliethöver*

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